How To Delegate When You Think Your team Will Mess It Up!
I don't deny, it's frustrating. You delegate a piece of work to one of your team and they manage to transform it into an almighty mess. It takes so long to fix it, you might as well have done it yourself. How do you delegate when you think your team will mess it...
How To Delegate When Your Team Is Too Busy
You know, as a manager, you should delegate. Maybe you need to because your to do list is no longer something you can conquer alone. Or perhaps you want to develop your team members, give them more challenging work to do. But you look across the office and see how...
How Your Body Language Can Boost Your Confidence
I first watched this several years ago. I was on a train on my way to a customer meeting that was filling me with dread. I was there to deliver bad news and it wasn't going to be pretty. I was new in my role and I knew I wouldn't have good answers to the inevitable...
9 Confidence Hacks To Help You Speak Up In Meetings
For many new managers, having to speak up in meetings feels like torture. Suddenly you're invited to meetings at the 'next level'. The invitation list also includes your peers (who are more experienced than you) and a layer of 'senior managers' who barely know your...
Managing Remote Teams : 10 Lessons Learnt The Hard Way
Leading a remote team is like dancing with your eyes shut. You can’t see what is going on so there is a higher risk of treading on someone’s toe. You can think you are in an amazing group rendition of the Macarena, when actually everyone else has sloped off to the bar...
Feeling Overwhelmed At Work? How To Stay Productive
Feeling overwhelmed at work? I hear you. It's time to take control to get your productivity back and show overwhelm who's boss. "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I'll spend four hours sharpening the axe" Wise words from Mr Abraham Lincoln. Preparation is, of...
5 Ways To Help Your Team Be At Their Best Every Day
How to do you get your team to turn up for work every day with a positive attitude, ready to do great work? Trust me, the power is in your hands. There's a lot of talk about employee engagement nowadays. And that's effectively what this is. Creating an organisation...
How To Save Hours In Your Week With 4 Daily Review Questions
We move so fast now. We spend our lives driving things forward, looking to the future, pushing ahead. But often pushing ahead just means doing more of what you’re doing. And that’s not so terrible when everything’s going great. But what if you’re overwhelmed? Or...
Being A New Manager Can Be LONELY (Here’s How To Fix That)
You’re a new manager and I’m going to allow you a couple of minutes to feel sorry for yourself. Let’s get it out there. Being a new manager can be lonely, can’t it? I bet you thought about a lot of things when you got promoted. The new responsibilities, managing a...
Having A Bad Day? Don’t Compare Yourself To Others
I used to be good at my job. As a new manager, have you ever thought that? You were good. Good enough to get the promotion to management. But this step up the ladder wasn’t just about getting through the interview process. Your head is now spinning with...