6 Personal Development Sessions
To Help You Shine Even Brighter Than You Do
(And change a life in the process!)
All Proceeds Going To
I still can’t quite believe that in September I spent a week in Ethiopia working with the charity Hope for Justice. Hope for Justice are an incredible charity whose focus is to restore the lives of child exploitation victims and prevent trafficking. (You can find out more about the work of Hope For Justice below)
I was there with a group of other HR and Learning and Development professionals. We divided our time between working with the children at Hope for Justice centres (spending time with the children on activities, games and crafts) and using our professional skills to help develop the capacity of Hope for Justice staff.
It was, without doubt, one of the most incredible weeks of my life. I felt honoured to be able to use my training skills to help people who will do more good with the knowledge than I ever will.
I knew this trip would change me. To be honest, I am still trying to process it all. But one thing I do know is that I can’t draw a line under the experience. I know how much good every single pound raise brings. I’ve played with the children that benefit and seen evidence of how their future will be changed
To fundraise before I went, I offered a programme of 6 personal development classes with every penny raised going directly to Hope For Justice.
And this is the point of this page! I’d like to keep the fundraising going. So recordings of the training sessions are still available, and you can get lifetime access to them for just £100.
Here’s how it works
All sessions are one hour long, jam packed with value and I promise you will have actions you can implement after every single one.
– Only £100 for the 6 session programme –
-Every penny going to Hope For Justice –
And here are the six sessions

How To Be Confident In Every Situation
You wouldn’t be normal if some situations didn’t fill you with terror. We’re all different, so they will be different things for you than they will for others. Learning to ride a bike or driving a car was scary once too, right? But you got through it. So same process, just different challenge. Let me arm you with some techniques to give that confidence of yours a boost just when you need it. Oh I’ll help shut up those negative voices in your head too!

Make Every Day Productive
Ever have those days when you’ve been really busy but can’t actual say what you did? It’s time to change that. This session will look at how to prioritise the many things on your to do list. How to tackle distractions – whether they are external or self imposed. Yep, we’ll work on the dreaded procrastination too. Let’s get you to a day full of achievement rather than just boring old busyness.

Get Beyond Small Talk & Develop Great Relationships
For some people striking up a conversation and getting to know someone is easy. For others, it’s excruciating! We all know that a world when you have good relationships with friends and colleagues is a much more fun place to be. So how do you get beyond the small talk and the embarrassing silences to get to that point? In this session we’ll talk about the easiest way to start to get to know someone, how to survive the big room of strangers nightmare and why you can still be an introvert and succeed at this!

Motivate Yourself To Get Stuff Done!
New Year’s resolutions may be long forgotten. And maybe that is a common theme every year. But why is that? In this session, we look at how we are all motivated by different things. And why the approach that was successful for your friend to lose 50lbs or complete their Masters may not be working for you. We’ll also look at habit formation and some tactics to try to get the good ones to stick and lose those bad ones once and for all.

Master The Dreaded Difficult Conversation
Whether it’s mentioning a personal hygiene problem to a colleague (yikes!) or tackling that long standing issue with a family member, there will always be a difficult conversation you need to face. This session is full of tips and techniques intended to give you more confidence, a greater feeling of control and some ideas on how you can make these conversations as successful as possible. And we’ll also talk through some ideas of how to deal with being on the receiving end of a conversation like this!

Become More Self-Aware (it’s seriously life-changing!)
Ever wonder why some people really wind you up, even though everyone else seems to get on with them just fine? Or why you can say the exact same thing to two different people and the reaction can be very different? This session is all about techniques to understand yourself and those around you better. It’s about learning the impact you have on others and why others impact you the way they do. And taking some time out to think about your reactions and learning from them. This stuff is gold!
How To Sign Up
It’s really simple. Just click the button below and donate £100 directly onto the Just Giving page. And then email me at Debbie@thesmartermanager.com and let me know you want to join the training. I’ll send you access to all the training for you to binge at your leisure.
Want to support Hope for Justice but don’t want the training?
Of course, that’s fine! Donate whatever you like – every penny makes a difference. I’d be so grateful for your support!
Just click on the Donate Here button to get to my Just Giving page.

Learn more about Hope For Justice
The Hope for Justice Africa project focuses on restoring the lives of child exploitation victims and preventing trafficking across Ethiopia, Uganda and Zimbabwe.
I know it feels like a million miles from our comfortable lives but there are more people trapped in slavery today than at any point in human history. There are an estimated 25 million people affected globally, many of whom are children.
For Hope for Justice, it’s not just about rescuing kids. That is just the start of the process. Once the child is taken off the streets, they work with them in a local centre to overcome trauma and rebuild their lives. They also run self help groups and initiative in local communities to empower people to protect their families against predatory traffickers.
Last year Hope For Justice worked with over 60,000 children, 120 self help groups and 2,544 community members to change lives and end slavery.
Just £330 takes a child from the streets through the restorative programme to rebuild their lives and hopefully reunite them with their family. That’s less than four people signing up for this programme. That’s pretty amazing, right?
(And don’t forget to email me at Debbie@thesmartermanager.com if you want access to the training sessions)