Zoom Fatigue – Why Is Video So Exhausting?
Do you have a Zoom face? A half smile maybe, head slightly tilted, the occasional nod? With video, there is no downtime. We have to look more attentive and aware of what’s going on - a problem we didn't have in the days of conference calls. Even in a meeting room,...

How To Stop Your Employee Looking For A New Job
Have your team returned to work with enthusiasm and vigour? Or have they come back with a new year’s resolution and a freshly updated resumé? How to stop your employee looking for a new job? ‘So how’s the job going?’...

Team Reviews: The Path To Higher Performance
Imagine you're the manager of a professional football club. It's Monday morning and your team had a game on Saturday. What do you do? Don't mention it and just focus on the next game and hope it goes well Sit the team down and review want went well, what didn't and...

What To Do When Your New Hire Doesn’t Fit In
What can you do when your new hire doesn't fit in? Your team are getting on great. They're delivering the results that come when a group of people bring the best out of each other. It's got to a point where you don’t worry about the people stuff anymore. And then...

42 Little Things To Do Today To Improve Team Morale
One afternoon, the then CEO and Chairman of Shell UK, Chris Faye, walked into our office and sat on one of the desks. Well, this just didn’t normally happen. He was Shell royalty. And we were, well, we were not. It was about twenty years ago. I was in my early...

How To Get Beyond Small Talk
Why do awkward silences feel so long and well, awkward and silent? We’ve all got those people at work with whom we struggle to strike up a conversation. Whilst we can’t expect,or even want to be, best buddies with everyone, getting to know people better can have real...

How To Free Your Team From Energy-Sucking Meetings
Some days I had such a deep feeling of despair when I looked at my Outlook calendar. Frequently there would be days with at least five hours taken up with back to back 30 minute meetings. Little time to prepare for them, even less time to reflect on what had been...

How Saying Thanks Increases Productivity
Why should I thank him? He was just doing his job If you've ever thought this, read on. Saying thanks to your team will increase productivity Yes, I know. You expect everyone on your team to do a great job. To strive to exceed expectations. But just put yourself in...

4 Steps To Make The Decision Making Process Less Scary
'Just make a decision' they say. Yep! Like it's that easy. I mean the decision making process is simple, right? You have a situation where you need to make a choice You analyse your options You make a choice You live with it As a manager, it can feel like your...

I Can’t Delegate! It’d Take Too Long To Train My Team
"I would delegate but it takes too long to train my team to do it' Of all the excuses I hear about delegation from the managers I coach, this is probably the most frequent. Like anything worth doing, it takes a bit of effort. The key is to start. It will ALWAYS take...